- 聽到 Kenny G, 聞歌大叫...
- LB>雞尾>太 陽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (叫聲 wor)
- 放工返家已黃昏, 小朋友們好似玩(多句)哂(口甘)... 靜英英... 好似miss左d野... (囉尼賤 )
- 洗籠其實係小朋友身體checking一部份...
- 師兄, 我應該放塊鏡比他們嗎?
That's it.
I feel good now.
I hate all the medicine, and all the diseases (flu, cold, bla bla bla...)
I miss my students,
and I have to finish my markings,
and compsing a listening paper.
I am so ready to get back to my life.
Wednesdays are always busy as I have only two free lessons.
Today, again, I was really harsh to a little P2 girl whose IQ ok but for sure she's a very slow learner. One thing that she really made me mad - I told her that if she couldn't concentrate and remember some words (just in 1 sentence), I would call her mum and she couldn't leave the school until 8pm. She said, "Yea, ok, let my mum worry." Of course I really phoned her mum. After this, she cried for awhile; HOWEVER, she seemed not care about it.
When I have to face such kind of kids, somehow, I know, on the one hand that I've got to be patient; on the other hand, I must accept that's life.
I'd say today is the last day of my Easter holidays since I'll work on the school things this weekend. Hm, I am still grateful that I have my job which I like that much and provides me a comfortable living. Somehow, it is difficult to have a job that we'd feel good to. Thanks Lord for this.
I have 4 more days and my Easter holidays end. I had a great time indeed. We saw movies, went to Disneyland, ate a lot of good food, played a lot, and watched the drama "Peter Rabbit" on my birthday.
I'm now a 34-year-old man. I'm glad I am.
One more thing, this Ching-ming, I didn't went to see mum. As I said, she's in heaven but not living in the grave. Mom, I still miss you a lot.
I'll enjoy the rest of my holidays as much as I can.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
It was my mom's habit that she would give us a red-packet when it's our birthdays.
This birthday reminds me about that.
I have decided not to visit my mom in this Ching-ming Festival.
I don't want any bad emotions aroused.
And I believe that she's already in heaven living happily.
And most importantly,
she's in my heart, always.
Accidentally I opened a file in my PC and there are lots of old photos of mine. Once I was so thin and handsome*. Anyway, I could really feel the atmosphere of the moments in the photos. Afterall, I dare not use my photo as the profile photo but I decided to use Momo's.
I have to really lose some weight. I know I can.
*Just what I think. :)
Everything is just as usual, which is a good sign indeed.
I've got a bad flu which has been with me for weeks. I cough and cough. And yesterday I was just so sure that I could not bear it anymore. I went to see my doctor and took the medicine for 4 days. And I asked him to give me some strong ones. Since then, I'm so sleepy but I do not cough as much as before.
The weather report says that it'll be cooler at the end of the coming week, 15c or something. Well, I'll try to enjoy the cool weather as I know it may be the last one.
I work as usual.
I eat as usual.
I walk as usual.
I sleep as usual.
Then, after a period of time, when all my effort is accumulated,
I pull my dreams closer and closer.
If we see usual days like this,
we may suddenly find out that usual days are good days.
I know I'm not the one
who likes always being on stage,
in the spotlight,
included in any gossip.
What's in my mind now?
"When can I fly to some other places again?"
The snow in my heart is still there and hasn't melted yet.
I decided to change my hair style and I had my curly hair since last Saturday. Indeed, right after the hair was done, I didn't quite accept it but right now, I'm glad that I have it! Maybe it's normal that for the first or second day the hair might look dull. But with times now the shape becomes more natural. Most of my friends and colleagues (except one) agree that this hair style suits me and I should keep it. Yay! I think I'll keep it.
It's always good to know that you can do something which would cheer yourself up. It's good that people like what I've done. But, indeed, even if they don't, who cares?
This is the first post in 2010. Happy New Year to you, and me.
Hm, I didn't really make a fine conclusion about 2009 but I thought it's ok because right now it's not really a big deal anymore. I mean, nothing is too big for me now. I'm still recovering. And everything is fine.
In 2010, my burden is lighter because I have finished my master degree studies (although I'm now still busy doing my last paper). I can focus back on my career and life again.
This Christmas is a great one, although it's just a common one.
Unfortunately, I got a bad flu. I didn't sleep well last night and I felt so hot. And today, I slept until noon. Then I saw my doctor. (Today, originally it's a school holiday but now it's my sick leave...) I will stay at home for two more days and I hope that I'll get well so soon.
Ban-ban (Pauline's chinchilla pet) is living with us now. His teeth inside the mouth keep on growing (but actually they are not supposed to be). Pauline took him to the vet and the vet said what we can do is to shorten the teeth by surgery from time to time (every 6 - 8 moths). Well, anyway, every single pet of mine is important to us. We won't give them up.
The weather tomorrow will be getting very cold.
Kids are special, no matter how naughty they are. There are tons of reasons behind a kid who behaves badly, and somehow we can't really figure them out one by one. Anyway, once we can show our love to the kid, he'll know. To conclude my experience gained these years, "LOVE" can kill or cure someone, it all depends on how much you give to a kid.
Today is a special day because one of my kid can name all 26 English alphabets. She is excellent. She proves that she can do it, and, I should always have hope.
I feel warm.
So, the weekend is gone and I'll have to work hard again tomorrow. Happy times always fly faster than usual. I look forward to the next weekend.
On the way I went to my mother-in-law's house for dinner, I saw the Christmas decorations along the Nathan Road. Tomorrow is the last day of November and I'm so excited that the month of Christmas finally comes. I have to listen to the carols, join the Christmas feast and parties, and buy myself a big Christmas present! I'm just too excited.
Hey, by the way, my pet is so cool now. She's so bright. :)
After a week of cold days, it's getting warmer again. The weather becomes not cold nor warm, which I hate the most.
I discovered that my kids couldn't really name those 26 alphbets when they were having their dictation. So, I searched utube and show them some abc-songs videos. They liked it and today 2 of them could name all alphbets. I'm so glad about it.
I'm experiencing teaching.
Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search
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