So, the weekend is gone and I'll have to work hard again tomorrow. Happy times always fly faster than usual. I look forward to the next weekend.
On the way I went to my mother-in-law's house for dinner, I saw the Christmas decorations along the Nathan Road. Tomorrow is the last day of November and I'm so excited that the month of Christmas finally comes. I have to listen to the carols, join the Christmas feast and parties, and buy myself a big Christmas present! I'm just too excited.
Hey, by the way, my pet is so cool now. She's so bright. :)
After a week of cold days, it's getting warmer again. The weather becomes not cold nor warm, which I hate the most.
I discovered that my kids couldn't really name those 26 alphbets when they were having their dictation. So, I searched utube and show them some abc-songs videos. They liked it and today 2 of them could name all alphbets. I'm so glad about it.
I'm experiencing teaching.
If life is a game, you'd better not to get involved too much. Somehow, we have to think about what we really want to do, and to be.
It's always true that if you don't care about yourself, none will.
The weather today is warm. I can see the clear blue sky. I love it indeed as I don't need thick coats.
At night, when I passed through Central these days, all X'mas things are on there. The Christmas carols are also on in MTR stations and shopping malls. I'm so excited.
This morning was very cold. I wore a thick coat but it seemed useless.
Yesterday, I talked to a mum of my student. Anyway, family situation is always a huge factor affecting a kid's growth. She's a christian and when she knew I'm as well, she said that she would trust my teaching judgement. I'm glad about this. Afterall, a teacher is not only hired for teaching but raising the kids we have.
I'm looking forward to Christmas.
I love winter. I really hate doing anything in hot weather and I really hate being wet. The cold weather reminds me the days in Melbourne.
In Pet Society, I know friends from different parts of the world. And they have their stories. I like that and this makes Pet Society being more than a game.
It's only 13c outside. These two days will be around 10c to 15c. This is the earliest winter in Hong Kong.
Christmas decorations are already around the shopping malls and outside the buildings. My favourite festival and season finally come.
Everything is settled.
Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search
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